How self-righteousness is defeating White people

Warsan Garrow
3 min readOct 26, 2022

Many White people only attribute their sense of self-righteousness thus, intellect to their ethnicity and will therefore try to demean others solely on heritage or skin.

An orthodox vegetarian, a White woman in her sixties, hijacked my enthusiasm for seaweed. She argued her case for being bothered about seaweed cultivation. This woman got heated about the cultivation of seaweed because she thought seaweed could grow on land. In her head, these marine plants would distort the diversity of plants on land.

I could not believe what I was witnessing. Unsure of what had overcome this woman or what was happening, and surprised by her bold ignorance and confidence.
Her male relatives did not want to embarrass her in front of other people, but they tried to calm her down. In the meantime, making excuses for her argument.
Even I made an excuse for her, stating that she was just passionate.

Her family told her later straight how stupid she was.

She was angry and frustrated for the following days.

What a strange thing to get angry over.

Because she was a vegetarian and stuck in her hippie days, I had previously given her food-info. to read in her native language.

She stated that she did not like reading even though she was a follower of a religion she had invented—a mixture of Christianity, which requires reading and something hippie.

In hindsight, that was the reason for her attitude; she was a special breed of White people. One who had never improved or progressed. But as it goes, being White has always saved her.

Something was up with her, whether hormonal problems or mental health.

Another interesting situation.

My takeaway here is; White self-righteousness even competes with God's word. God's creation and also God's will. Hence why she created a religion of her own. Though she would repeatedly state that 'religion was ruining people.' Thus, the reason for earlier changes in their standard Holy book, which was written by declared Saints like Matthew, John, and Paul hence, why White people are now tearing down what IS.

Anyway, she did the obvious; she came after my cultural heritage and person.

All these emotions were provoked by being a fan of the future of things made from seaweed.

This woman was not open to reading into any of the research I had made available to her because she knew everything already. And I don't argue, hence the reading material.

I expressed enthusiasm for something and defused her panic, stating that sea plants could not grow on land.
Only providing that tiny bit of information and her lacking the basics just the basics had ticked her off.

So now we were back at the safe haven of arguments for White people. What do you know, you stupid African.

Another takeaway; anything orthodox is a danger to society. This woman, as clean koekoek as she was, was like a bull who saw a red flag.

For someone to respond like this at a table was comical and extremely sad, especially since one can listen to audiobooks in the event of not being able to read.

I mean, older people; "What a time to be alive, right?"

For a minute, I thought I was dealing with a reasonable person with at least a few brain cells.

Listening is a much-underestimated skill. Listen to the world around you, and be open to taking lessons from that, for thou shall, I hope, understand.

Whatever the case, there is never space for ignorance. Take the time to analyse yourself; it helps you to reflect, improve and learn but be open to that.

There can not be enough emphasis on the importance of mental health.

White people; You cannot learn or change your perspective if you are right by default.

Suppose things are not to your liking. Let things be.

It is okay.

Let go.



Warsan Garrow

Observer, Critical Thinker, General Enthusiast & Passionate writer❣ My work is intended for educational purposes.