Itching for change or the never-ending search for the ultimate happinessĀ šŸ‘€

Warsan Garrow
3 min readJul 2, 2022

Millions of people out there are not out to do the 9-5 office routine thing. These are primarily young people with some kinds of attention deficit disorder or perhaps an irritable bowel..ā€¦jokes.

Seriously though, most of the young people wanting and willing to do the remote work thing call themselves indigo children.

I canā€™t say I can relate because
a) I'm not too fond of labels, and b) I cannot quite make out what that means.
Nevertheless, I, too, am, in fact, someone with itchy feet. Except in my case, it is hereditary. That is what my people, proud black folk who reside from the African continent, did for tens of thousands of yearsā€”roaming and relocating towards the rain.
For that reason, I can confidently say that being a nomad runs through my blood.

Remote work has significantly gained in popularity due to a famous virus. But it looks like it is becoming a trend, especially among young people who embrace change easier. And in line with the fast passed technology culture they grew up in, this movement fits perfectly well with this highyly sought after lifestyle.
Growing up with the internet means increased exposure to the outside world. With triggered curiously and easy access to moneymaking ideas, tools and new money. People get inspired by all the motivational videos and skill share tools available online. Thus desire to look beyond the traditional jobs is born.

If you ask a 12-year-old today what they want to be, especially in certain countries, they will tell you they want to be famous. Social media is the only platform that makes that happen. Not a very picky outlet when it comes to selecting people based on their intellect, talent or looks. As long as you re willing to scream in a lens, make a fool out of yourself, you are good to go. Everyone gets an equal chance to be a clown, post as a knowledgeable person, spread misinformation, etc.

Children are growing up faster than ever, making money with nonsense and gaining essential technical skills that make them more life savvy. Hence, the desire to venture out to other countries.

And in a world filled with uncertainty and bad news; a new covid variant is coming soonĀ .Ā āŒ›

People want to have a grip and sense of control over their own lives. Uncertainty is resulting in a continues search for the ideal work-life balance. A life filled with more of the things that we really love. People we want to have around and keep. A life that contains more freedom.

To make this happen, people are becoming creative in their living arrangements as well. Youā€™ll find a group of friends buying land together and building unconventional living spaces that allow social interaction. Some have ā€˜strangeā€™ deals with their exes. Others keep the college lifestyle intact by having roommates.

Whatever works.

It is a growing trend, perhaps an entire movement for some, and also a disappointing side-eye to the establishment that keeps failing us all repeatedly.



Warsan Garrow

Observer, Critical Thinker, General Enthusiast & Passionate writerā£ My work is intended for educational purposes | warsangarrow.