The discourse of creativity

The role of ‘experts’ and the age of everyone is famous.

Warsan Garrow
3 min readOct 7, 2023
Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

The ability to be creative is a skill. An aspect ingrained in some people and less in others that some lack entirely. Creativity cannot be forced; it can be induced by inspirational sources such as circumstances, everyday life, hobbies, etc.
It only takes a little for someone naturally creative to derive inspiration from the plainest things, such as nature, their interests and the most mundane things. Creativity is an asset that correlates with reasonable intellect and thus comes in handy when solving problems. Creative people are not your typically lazy types who settle with copy-paste work. And unlike some, self-proclaimed geniuses have dared to claim in their ‘studies’ that there would be a correlation between creativity and depressive disorders.

That is not true.

What unqualified and failed larger-than-life egoist scientists and specialists have always done is downgrade and label talent and skill as deficient aspects in humans. In biographies of inventors and other creative trailblazers, the mention of something not entirely in order or somewhat ‘lacking’ in creative people is common. They often attack the person’s ingenuity, character, mannerisms, etc.

Those we consider specialists and whose opinions people quote, thus respect, have a natural disposition to envy and, therefore, bash what their minds are naturally incapable of creating.
There is no such thing as leaving something to be great, just incredible, without it also being horrible and trashing it down.

A good painting, but…

Society at large is like this on every side of the equilibrium, i.e. whether it’s the scholar, average Joe, or plain White Susan.

The trap here is that these conclusions are drawn from the most prevalent sample peer group that could be a more realistic representation of the rest of the human species. But the acceptable one.

Thus, conclusions are drawn based on a skewed misrepresentation of studies based on a significantly small group of people. These studies often exclude millions of middle-man creatives who thrive and enjoy average success with their creative endeavours.
That is why non-creatives often leech onto those semi-successful people by attempting to emulate creative works and thus stepping into the same industries.

For that same reason, good creative work is delicate and highly sought after. It takes effort to find it and sometimes even difficult to distinguish from the crowded art space — also why we have so many wasteful inventions.

The majority of the studies that sell these narratives based on this topic are:
1. Geographically similar. 2. Genetic misrepresentation. 3. Dietary similarities.

For example, the false prophets of this world, i.e. celebrities, are often mentioned and used as the ultimate examples.

Celebrities, even those who garnered fame through social media, are not the best representation of a genuine creative-ling.

And in the age of the praise for absurdity, wherein everything is unique and has a chance to be famously glorified and thus rewarded.

In hindsight, looking at their living conditions, there is almost always a backstory of access to and substance abuse. Moreover, there is always a troubled dramatic theory behind their success. The credibility of these history-defining stories is questionable.

If there is technically no substance abuse, there is still a higher chance of some creative ones being rampaged by depression. In the case of fame, some of it can be explained as the consequence of their fame and how one either successfully or fails to deal with that part of their success.

All these people have in common is that they are concentrated in similar geographical environments, thus exposed to similar circumstances. And are, in fact, also eating similar diets.

Creativity is a process that comes naturally to those who possess it. It is a skill set that can be caused by genetic brain disposition and, in some, chemical imbalance, but it is not found in most creative people.

What happens when creativity is forced?

The word creative loses its essence. The quality of and the meaning of a good documentary, film, content and even other types of art decline.

Excellent comedy has lost its soul, and so is good art.

It’s a fantastic sculpture.
Shut it right there.

There is no such thing as mass creativity.




Warsan Garrow

Observer, Critical Thinker, General Enthusiast & Passionate writer❣ My work is intended for educational purposes | warsangarrow.