Veganism is big business, and it’s pushing the market for Alt-protein

Warsan Garrow
2 min readJul 16, 2022

Being vegan is cool; at least, that is what scientists and celebrities want us to believe. The global vegan population has significantly surged in the past ten years. Much of it has to do with government scare tactics and marketeers utilising A-listers to pull their airbrushed carriages.

Thus whether you have turned vegan due to your human idol, a holy cow, a significant statue or simply because you want to add to the environment, this plant-based dietary shift did not just appear in the peripheral vision of ordinary investors; it is actually worth millions of dollars. Opting for a plant-based diet is one thing, but there is also a downside to the search for a meat alternative.

We are gradually moving away from meat consumption, and in the search for alternatives, science is pushing more and more towards Alt-protein or meat grown in a laboratory as the future of meat.

Big pharma investors back synthetic meat.

Judging by the growing demand for meat alternatives, climate challenges such as; extreme drought on one side, scarcity of fertile land and healthy groundwater on the other hand and diplomatic sanctions. Meat cultivated for human consumption in a laboratory does, in fact, have great potential. That is if you are willing to risk your health because there is insufficient research to determine future health hazards.

As surreal as it sounds, the possibility of a global food crisis is more likely to happen than not. Whether it is science or fiction. Investing in meat alternatives like Alt-protein might be worth it for your wallet.



Warsan Garrow

Observer, Critical Thinker, General Enthusiast & Passionate writer❣ My work is intended for educational purposes | warsangarrow.