Why the Jews think they are the chosen ones
and where that misconception originates from
One of the oldest stories in the monotheistic books is the story of the messenger, prophet Noah, peace be upon him, and his ark.
Many Ethiopians claim to be descendants of this messenger. They also claim to be the first people on Earth and that Christianity originated in Ethiopia.
Scientists approve of this story, siding the findings of the oldest human skull, almost four million years old was found in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia does have an ancient civilisation and a rich Christian orthodox history. The country is also home to the largest orthodox Jewish population.
Centuries had passed before the generations of prophet Noah came to be.
What is known is that the Torah came a few decennia before the Bible. So, it’s plausible that the Ethiopians were first majority Jewish and that they slowly, due to natural human erosion and calamity, adopted Christianity.
The religions practised and its practicsioners during the era of the messenger Noah, peace be upon him, died.
The idea is that God’s chosen people, whether they were Hebrew Israelis that resided in Ethiopia and therefore black, they were the only humans on the ark.
The emphasis on the black skin matters as it supports the scientific claims of the origins of humans in Africa. Although Jewish people, as we know them today, deny the rights of black Hebrew Israelis being Jewish.
It does sound like a great peace agreement between scientists and theologists. 🕊
The other passengers on that boat were male and female mammals. To be more precise, two per species of animals that honoured their gene pool as long as they could until the zebra came along.
I like a reasonable peace agreement, but this one never stopped the debates.
I d like to think generations were destroyed for a reason, and perhaps admitting that the human understanding of the universe is flawed is a common good. Therefore it’s not just and never superior to Gods word, which is a resolution that could work.
That is why, in a nutshell, where the Jewish supremacy comes from and their reference to non-Jews as animals.