Climate change?

Warsan Garrow
4 min readApr 23, 2022

How about working differently.

If we have learned anything from Covid-19. It is the value of life combined with work dynamics, time management and gratitude.
Before the pandemic hit, I would often see grumpy faces on the train during the morning commute.
At the same time, I would wonder why people don't just leave the situations they don't feel comfortable in. Even if they have families to feed, finding contentment in what you do is always the better option.
Put your happiness first. Once that is secured, you will find that there is more time left for all that actually matters in life. Your happier brain will develop solutions on how to have a more productive and fulfilling life. We all have a purpose to fulfil. We are not meant to sit around and completely waste time. A soul at ease with itself and its surroundings is a happier mind, a more creative brain that exhibits how to anticipate to potential challenges ahead.

If it is the hours, you can resolve it. Work with flexible hours; start your day early so you can finish early. This way, you still have a significant portion of the day left to enjoy. If you are dealing with people above you, negotiate on how to reorganise your workweek. Perhaps you can manage to work with time schedules per fortnight per department.
If it's the profession and you're stuck, find a niche. When it comes to your age, use your build up expertise as an asset. If you are too comfortable and see no challenges within your field, branch out to something unrelated that is still fun to do.

Almost every household has access to fast internet and at least one device that connects you to the rest of the world. There are no excuses for not being inventive and rediscovering the endless possibilities you have as a modern professional.

The future of work is no longer set in rigid stressful routines that leave you with little to no free time for your hobbies, friends, and family. You can create and build your life the way it suits you. It is at your fingertips.

Though most are tired of the solitude the pandemic has brought, establishing the perfect work-life balance is literally in your hands. Studies have shown that employees are more productive and happier when working from home. Working from home was never more straightforward than it is today. Imagine life made so easy you can set up a business while sitting at your Kitching table.

You can share your expertise by working as a freelancer from a remote location while scheduling and managing your hours. Time or a lack of it is the most crucial factor for employees to quit their jobs. In fact, there is a global movement now, where companies with their employees are working towards a shorter workweek.

Next to the convenience and economic advances technology brings, it can be utilised in nonconventional ways to help people in developing countries.
Think about the following; There is a solid correlation between mass and unnecessary migration and concentrated environmental pollution, leading to unprecedented climate change problems. That is where we are right now. But what if we balance out the skewed proportions of climate impact.

Many nations with an emphasis on Asia pride themselves on having higher intelligence. There are already production facilities set up in these countries that produce many of the A-brands used in the West. The West has established a great relationship with these countries and is willing to continue to invest in these nations.

What if the Western governments expand these production facilities to the service, education, IT and finance sectors. There are excellent ERP systems available that are cloud-based. These systems tilt distance working to a whole another level.

Think about the unnecessary migrants' impact on the housing market and the pressure from that demand on the local communities and environments.
A shift allows morning commuters to breathe in the train again and read their papers undisturbed.

Fewer people means fewer cars.

Every taxi driver's family own multiple non-electric cars.
Why not create jobs for these strong, capable men in their home countries, countries with no war, where they can continue practising their culture without being bothered.
The demand for gas and petrol from far away countries will decline within five years.
Intelligent fellow human beings with strong cultural inclinations are capable of restructuring their societies.

Overpopulation is the death of the West and the environment.

Put a quota on non-critical entrees to the West, i.e. people from established nations that are safe.

Just ideas on how we all win for our children and the environment.



Warsan Garrow

Observer, Critical Thinker, General Enthusiast & Passionate writer❣ My work is intended for educational purposes.